• 4 Skills English

    Master listening, speaking, reading and writing in an interactive English-speaking environment.

    4 Skills English

    Master listening, speaking, reading and writing in an interactive English-speaking environment.

4 Skills English

Our 4 Skills English course features a National Geographic curriculum that develops your child’s natural interest and curiosity in the world around them. Fascinating topics, illustrations and videos stimulate learners to interact using English.  

The course motivates and supports Very Young Learners through songs, games, activities and visuals from around the world. 

"kindergarten students learn 4-skills English"

Course content

  • Age: 3–5
  • 1 class per week (weekends)
  • Sep 2024 – Feb 2025
  • Mar – Jul 2025
  • 60 minutes per lesson
  • Maximum: 9 students
  • Level: K1, K2, K3
  • Welcome to Our World (National Geographic)
  • Topics: My Body, Pets, Nature, Classroom Objects, Farm Animals, Transport, Weather, Music, Parties, The World
  • Learn through songs, games and total physical response activities (TPR)
  • Mid-term progress report
  • Term-end certificate
  • Parents' evening

Course benefits

Your child will

  • Be taught by a qualified, proficient and skilled English teacher.
  • Learn in an English-speaking environment.
  • Be exposed to inspirational content that motivates.
  • Learn and practice new vocabulary and grammar.
  • Become familiar with, and acquire, the sounds and rhythms of English.
  • Learn about different cultures, enabling them to become global citizens.
  • Make new friends.

Our teachers

United Kingdom

John Richardson

Very Young Learners, Young Learners, Teens, Adults


Lara Araújo

Very Young Learners, Young Learners

Join now

It's easy to get your child started on the 4 Skills English course.

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.

Submit the form

A few basic details and your preferences.

Interview with a teacher

We want to ensure your child goes into the right class for them. 

Join a trial lesson

It's important to us that everyone is comfortable.

Begin the course

Your child begins their journey towards English mastery with us.

Submit the form below and our team will be in touch. 

Preferred online interview time
Preferred in-person interview time

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